I am delighted to offer prints of my images in three different formats:

Archival Prints for framing are printed on Red River 68lb UltraPro Gloss 2.0®. This resin coated photobase inkjet paper has the feel of traditional glossy photo lab paper. Its brilliant photo gloss surface offers rich color saturation, density and brightness. These ready-to-frame prints are dry-mounted on foam core board, matted to the desired size, and signed on the mat. Three standard sizes* are available:

  • 7” x 10” print* centered within an 11” x 14” mat
  • 8" x 14" print* centered within a 12" x 18" mat
  • 10” x 15” print* centered within a 16” x 20” mat

*Approximate sizes; prints will be sized to optimize display within the mat

Archival Prints for greeting cards are printed on 4” x 6” Red River 68lb UltraPro Gloss 2.0®. As shown below, these prints are mounted into high quality photo frame greeting cards to a final size of 5” x 7”. Greeting cards can be purchased individually or as sets of five; matching envelopes are provided with the cards.

Borderless Metal Prints are printed on high-definition, durable Chromaluxe® panels. In these prints, dye sublimation is used to infuse the image directly into the white gloss coating on the photo panel. This process provides permanent protection designed to last over 65 years. Print panels are provided with upgraded premium frame mounts, which sit the panel ¾” off of the wall. These prints are available in various standard sizes*, from 8” x 12” up to 24” x 36”. Larger prints can be purchased if desired. Prints are shipped with all hanging hardware including cleat, screws and level. Special coatings for outdoor locations are also available.

*Minor cropping may be require to optimize the image on the standard metal panels

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